Thursday, 21 June 2007

IPO Practise in Loviisa

Hi everybody!

Now we're finally in Loviisa, Finland. The trip here went good. We went to Stockholm by sunday midnight, so we were in the harbour 5 o' clock at the morning. The boat-trip over the ocean went good, the water was calm, but it blow real hard in the front of the ferry. When we were in the harbour in Mariehamn, "Ă…land" (I don't know what it is on english), the weather was nice, it was warm and no cloud in sight. So we went outside a while, to the Sundeck on Silja Line Europa. On the pictures you can se us leaving the harbour.

We arrived in Turku, Finland when the clock was about 8 at evening. We drove through the whole city in a couple of minutes and soon we were on the highway on our way to Helsinki. The road was new, but the wasn't clear, so with about 12 swedish miles left we came into the small old roads again. And we were lucky, it wasn't so much traffic on this small roads. We read in the newspaper two days later( wednesday) that it had happened an accident at that road. One truck and one car with a family collide with each other, no one survived...

We arrived to the camp, just 400 meters from Finlands first nuclear power plant in Loviisa. The clock was about 24 at the night so we went to bed as soon we could.

The next day we relaxed and went to see some puppies, my sisters male hade been mate last time we were here in Loviisa. So the puppies wasn't so old, just two weeks. The kennel that the puppies on is called Kennel Atlas Dreams. Pictures of the puppies can you see in my sisters blog.

The second day here we went to Kotka, there's Nira born. We went around looking in the city and many people came forward greeting the dogs. Later, around 6 o' clock at evening it was time for our first IPO-pass in Finland! Riitta and the owners of Atlas Dreams had arrange the practise for OUR DOGS! Always fun with appreciation! The practise was concentrated on to get cleaner changeover from defence to follow prey. Which we succeed with. She got better as the pass went longer. I as owner were very certain. Please, look below at the pictures from the pass!

Before practise we had puppies meeting! Almost everone of Niras puppies was there! Pictures can you se below.

I and Nira will now go to bed, it's 2 o' clock in night. Practise tomorrow too!

See you!


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