Friday 22/5-2007
The first day started with an assembly 8 o'clock in the morning. Breakfast was 7 o'clock. There were about 200 persons that camed to the assembly. They called out all the handlers name and race of the dog, and in which practise group they were going to be with. The group that me and my sister were in had to go 30 kilometres towards Kotka, to a football ground. That because the original area wasn't enough for all the handlers, dogs and helpers/baitor. Our group included about 30 handlers and helpers. All the helpers in our group had experiences from the WC. The helpers were very calm and certain about what they were doing. It was fun watching how the handlers that had been in the WC practised their dogs. During the practise the helpers children played with their equipment. The next generation of dog handlers and helpers, maybe??
The picture on top is Nalles daughter and the picture below is Japes son.The first day started with an assembly 8 o'clock in the morning. Breakfast was 7 o'clock. There were about 200 persons that camed to the assembly. They called out all the handlers name and race of the dog, and in which practise group they were going to be with. The group that me and my sister were in had to go 30 kilometres towards Kotka, to a football ground. That because the original area wasn't enough for all the handlers, dogs and helpers/baitor. Our group included about 30 handlers and helpers. All the helpers in our group had experiences from the WC. The helpers were very calm and certain about what they were doing. It was fun watching how the handlers that had been in the WC practised their dogs. During the practise the helpers children played with their equipment. The next generation of dog handlers and helpers, maybe??
The time just ran away and suddenly it was our turn! I took here for a 15 minutes walk before the practise. The first practise was just an ordinary practise so Nalle could see how far we had camed with the IPO practise. When I started this practise so were my knowledge quite little about how Nira's supposed to react in some situations. But after that weekend in Loviisa so are my knowledge in that subject area much better and wider.
The first practised was good, but not great. If I and Nira would do that practise now after that weekend so would it be much better! He saw that her changeovers wasn't that good. So he said to me that's goal for the weekend. To get cleaner and better changeovers. Cause, if you got a great changeover on the dog, the dogs bite, aggression and speed when she's jumping in to the bite sleeve will get so much better!
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