Sunday 24/6-2007
During the third and last day at the camp, our group had to take the cars to our other practise place about 30 kilometres from where we sleeps. But I have to say, that I'm glad that we had to go to that place. Cause it was very calm and quiet there. And the area that we were practising at was much larger than it was at the original area. Before we started practising IPO, I and Nira were practising obedience with them who's competing in the WC! Quite fun, showing our great contact in obedience!
The third day were the best practise day of them all. Now she didn't have any problems with the changeovers. And she did show with her whole body that she wanted to get the bite sleeve in following the pray. And when she got the opportunity, she camed with full speed right in to the bite sleeve! A perfect bite! She was really zealous about get the bite sleeve! But she still did a very good and "clean" job. And she released the bite sleeve at first command with no problems. She trusts me as handler, and then it really goes forward! We practised IPO twice before it was time for lunch. She did everthing that she was supposed to do, I was the only one who maked the wrong decision once.
Teijo, who slept in the same building as we did, showed us the day before how to hold the line so it doesn't slip right through your hand. When I was using that grip for the first time, I had the line around my left finger. Nira lied down, waiting for me to commend her to start. I was never really prepared for the hit, so when I command her to start my finger was pushed down with a lof of power. I was real close breaking it there! It still hurts a lot, but it doesn't matter. I can still practise with her. :) The practise was going real great, and later at the afternoon after a quick lunch, we went to the breeders who has
Kennel Atlas Dreams. There we went to see some puppies after my sisters male Qwerro. Pictures can you find in my sisters
blog, under "Loviisa, Finland".
After meeting the puppies, we went back where we lived in Loviisa. There we took the opportunity to practise IPO one more time before we were going back home again. Nalle was the helper, and that practise was the best of them all! She did everything that she was supposed to do, and in the end of the practise I'd released her from the lead that was around the tree, and put her on my own leash. I took a steady grip of the leash and I had to use my own power to hold her back when Nalle was working with Nira. When Nalle said that it looked great I released Nira so she could jump and take the bite. And then it was just to run to the car. And after that practise we saw that we had succeed with our goal for the weekend. To get a cleaner and better changeover, better aggression, a better bite and more speed when she's jumping in to the bite sleeve.
When I've put the pictures from the camp up on my web gallery, so can you see the whole last IPO practise on a video!
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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