Monday, 30 July 2007
IPO Practise in Loviisa (last day)

After meeting the puppies, we went back where we lived in Loviisa. There we took the opportunity to practise IPO one more time before we were going back home again. Nalle was the helper, and that practise was the best of them all! She did everything that she was supposed to do, and in the end of the practise I'd released her from the lead that was around the tree, and put her on my own leash. I took a steady grip of the leash and I had to use my own power to hold her back when Nalle was working with Nira. When Nalle said that it looked great I released Nira so she could jump and take the bite. And then it was just to run to the car. And after that practise we saw that we had succeed with our goal for the weekend. To get a cleaner and better changeover, better aggression, a better bite and more speed when she's jumping in to the bite sleeve.
When I've put the pictures from the camp up on my web gallery, so can you see the whole last IPO practise on a video!
Hope you enjoyed reading this!
IPO Practise in Loviisa (second day)
The second day started real good for the helper (baitor) Jusa. The dog that you can see on the picture is very powerful and here he crushes a bite sleeve! Jusa can't get loose and he had to lay down about 10 minutes before be dog finally released the bite sleeve on the handlers command! And everyone who was watching could not do anything but laughing! :) Under the weekend the dog crushed two bite sleeves, both time on Jusa!
Better luck next time Jusa! ;)
Anyway, I and Nira had to wait a long time before it was our turn. We practised with the helper Nalle today too, like we did the whole weekend. The advantage with practising with Nalle is that he lives in Vaasa, on the west coast of Finland. And there they speak both finnish and swedish. So we could go through the practise on swedish. And I think that's very important when you're practising IPO/Defence.

The last practise for the day was the best so far. I didn't say anything to Nira when it was our turn. I'd just walked to the tree, putting her on the lead. The lead that she was put on was around the tree, so the helper could on a easier way practise with her. I command her to "lie down" and she had to look in my eyes before I command her to start. I didn't have to praise her so much like earlier, cause now she knew what she was doing right in the changeovers. When she got the bite I command her to sit so she could relax, having the bite sleeve in her mouth. And when she was doing a real great job I released her from the lead, and with full speed she jumped in to the bite sleeve! It was a perfect bite and after that we ran to the car. I've never seen her jumping with that speed in to the bite sleeve! So she got a lof of praise after the practise!
After dinner I and my sister Ann-cathrine had a freestyle-show, something that both we and the spectator enjoyed! Nira showed how fast and good she was at going "slalom" between my legs! She did also spin around, biting me on the fingers when she got the opportunity! (I had her favourite ball in that hand) She jumpes over my legs and in the end me and my sister created an"eight", having my left foot next to her right foot. And Nira ran between our legs like an eight! So it was fun, even if Nira didn't understand everything! ;)After the show we practised a bit obedience, and that was the best obedience practise we ever done! It seems like I had get better contact with Nira after giving her a lot of praise under the weekend! She did everything that I wanted her to do! And after the obedience practise I played with her. It was such a surprise for me, that the practise was going that great! I'd never thought that she was going to surprise me like that!
After that lucky practise day she got a well-earned rest, food and water. And after a while I went to Niras mothers owner. I got the opportunity to meet her, play with her and take some pictures. The owner promised me that he would send me some pictures and information about Yang. Please, look at the pictures below on Yang! :

IPO Practise in Loviisa (first day)